Page 151 - Complete CRW Catalog
P. 151
Brushes, Mops, & Groomers 149
Spotting Brush Utility Scrub Brush
For tamping during spot removal,
Standard White nylon bristles are held in a
these professional spotting tools molded, chemical-resistant block that
feature the short, extra stiff nylon will not crack, deteriorate, or wear out.
bristles you need to drive spot- Upswept handle eliminates skinned
ting chemicals into stains.
Economy knuckles.
Standard AB10 AB14
Economy AB85
Grime Reaper Upholstery Brush
Large Horsehair Brush
The Grime Reaper’s bristles generate an electric
Thousands of bristle ends stay in
contact with the upholstery, even charge that grab onto hair and fine particles, and
when the brush is wet. Best overall agitates upholstery without damaging fabric.
brush for upholstery agitation! AB109
Mini Shark
Regular Horsehair Brush The tough nylon bristles will outlast
traditional brushes and have a sloped
Pre-condition your upholstery with- edge that cleans right up to the edge
out harming the fabric. For comfort of the tile.
and economy, this is the brush. AB111
AB08 Stainless Steel Grout Brush
Easily cuts through paint, embedded oil,
Hand-Fit Horsehair Brush or grease without damaging the grout. The
The horsehair bristles on this brush bristles are stiff enough to dig deep into the
are securely held in place with stain- pores in grout, yet soft enough not to ruin
less steel staples, and the block is the surface. AB113
solid polypropylene. Thousands of TOOLS & SUPPLIES
bristles stay firm, even when wet, giv- Dirty Grout Demon Brush
ing complete agitation.
AB09 The Tynex bristles on the Grout
Demon have microscopic silicon
Hand Fit Scrub Brush carbide teeth that make short work
of even the dirtiest grout lines.
Designed to be used on a wide range
Grout Brush AB112
of carpet and durable upholstery Metal Handle AB18M
fibers. DuPont nylon bristles.
Premium Grout Brush
Velvet Carding Brush This new premium grout brush has stiffer
A must for all upholstery cleaners. bristles in a tapered configuration that al-
With over 2,000 strands of cadmium lows you to brush hard into the smallest
plated steel wire this brush will groom crevices with greater control and speed.
and set the nap of fine velvets with no Grout Brush AB35
worry of texture change or damage.
Metal Handle AB18M
AB04 Grout Brush & Handle AB35A
Brass Velvet Brush Grout Brush
Different than other velvet brushes, The unique pivoting head of this grout brush
this velvet brush with brass wires is allows the stiff crimped, acid resistant nylon
perfect for finishing and fluffing fine bristles to glide along grout lines, in corners
velvets after cleaning and is also and up walls. Bevel cut.
great for removing pet hair.
Grout Brush AB36
AB02 Wood Handle AB18H