Page 94 - Complete CRW Catalog
P. 94

92     Meters & Testing

                                                  B                                 C

          A) QuickNav Package                                   C) Delmhorst Navigator Pro -
                                                                    Restoration Package
          QuickNav, Delmhorst’s easy to use 3-in-1 meter, offers pin
          mode, scan mode, and thermo-hygrometer in a single handheld   The Navigator Pro is the state-of-the-art in moisture measure-
          unit. The QuickNav will quickly and accurately measure temper-  ment technology for the water restoration pro! This three-in-one
          ature and R/H, calculate dewpoint, grains per pound (GPP) and   meter integrates pin and pinless technologies in one instrument.
          vapor pressure. QuickNav offers the same high performance as   With the hammer probe you can take all required measurements
          our industry leading Navigator Pro, in an easier to use format.   including RH, temperature and moisture content of virtually any
          If you are looking for the versatility of a 3-in-1 meter and do not   material. Plus, the Navigator Pro corrects for materials tempera-
          need to store and download readings, QuickNav is the answer!  ture for TES operators!
                                              Package AC626
                                                 Meter AC625     Restoration Package Contents: Includes Meter (AC8204), 26-ES
                                                                electrode (AC8218), 2-E electrode (AC8212), 21-E electrode
                                                                (AC8216), PC/KIT software application program, (1) RHT-C1
          B) Delmhorst Navigator Pro                            cable (AC8242) and carrying case. Great for the restoration
                                                                contractor who needs to provide documentation.
          The Navigator Pro is the state-of-the-art in moisture measure-
          ment technology for the water restoration pro! This three-in-one
          meter integrates pin and pinless technologies in one instru-                   Restoration Package  AC8202
          ment. With an optional hammer probe you can take all required
          measurements including RH, temperature and moisture content
          of virtually any material. Plus, the Navigator Pro corrects for   DRYING WET WALLS IS A
          materials temperature! In addition, the Navigator Pro offers out-  PROBLEM OF THE PAST
          standing data logging capability so you can document that you
          are drying correctly to justify your charges and protect yourself
          from liability.

                                         Navigator Pro  AC8204
                                           Probe 5/16"  AC8212
                                                 Pins  AC8250
                                     Two Probe Blades  AC8214
                                RH Temperature Sensor  AC8240          Using an air mover to dry walls.  Using E-TES and hot air to dry walls.
                                           RH/T Cable  AC8242
                                                                                                          TM SD
                                  Split Electrode Probe  AC8412                                    electric  thermal energy system
                                                                    Drying dry wall, insulation and
                                                                   sill plates have been the affliction
                                                                   of most restoration professionals,
                             Aztec Financial will finance all              but no more!
                             of your restoration equipment.

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